Get your sales letter opening right with this simple trick

Here’s a bit of advice from Drayton that’ll really give you an edge with your sales letters.

I say this because it will get your prospects reading.

And as Drayton also says, if they don’t start reading, they can’t carry on reading.

What’s more – like all these tips – it’s childishly simple.

Here it is:

Nine times out of ten, you’ll find your first few paragraphs are nothing more than fluff.

You wrote them to get in to your stride – to warm up.

The reality is you can cut them out altogether, leaving you with an opening that gets straight to your prospect’s pain point.

That’s it. That’s the tip. Pretty simple right?

Too simple?

Well, go back through your last few letters / emails that you send to cold prospects.

Have a look at the first paragraph or two.

With a tiny bit of editing, could you get rid of them?

Like I said, nine time out of ten, you can.

I can’t stress enough how important a good opening is – you are sunk without one.

Best of all, it’s an edit that only takes seconds, yet can make the all the difference.

What’s more, when I’m asked to review or edit a sales letter, doing this is pretty much my first port of call.

That’s all for now.

