Sales letters that make millions

Here’s a few paragraphs from Drayton that may change your mind if you haven’t sat down to write your sales letter yet:

“So the first point I would like to make is that the time you spend learning to a write a letter that sells could be one of the best investments you ever make.

I learned this the best way. A four page letter helped me succeed more than I ever exected. It was to persuade people they ought to employ the services of myself and and my partners in a new business, in 1977.

As you can imagine I laboured long and hard on it. We only sent out 25 copies. My partner phoned the recipents afterwards. We got 12 jobs. Within three years we were the leaders in our field in Britain.

Seven years and eight months later – my partners having gone their way – I sold that company, at which point I could, if I had so wished, have retired.”

– Drayton Bird

Don’t forget, once you have the bare bones of your sales letter, it’s just the opening and close you need to change to each prospect.

Still having trouble? Let me write it for you.

Just hit reply to any of my mails and get in touch – there’s a really easy, proven process which will give you a sales letter that punches way above its weight.

Why not get in touch right now?

