How to add charm to your sales letter

Believe it or not, it’s actually very easy to add charm to your sales letter.

Below you’ll see 3 foolproof ways to do it.

But first, what is charm?

Here’s a wonderful definition:

A person who has charm has the ability to make you feel you’re slightly more wonderful than them.”

So what are you trying to do when you charm people?

You’re trying to make them feel good.

An easy way to do this is flattery (My letter to HSBC shows this in spades.)

Next is just plain, simple honesty. When you are disarmingly honest, it gets your prospects attention.

In fact, this quote from Charles Bower, pretty much sums it up:

Honesty is not only the best policy, it is rare enough nowadays to make you pleasantly conspicious.”

Thirdly – be helpful – genuinely helpful.

There you go, it’s that easy.

These three steps can transform a robotic sounding sales letter to one that has warmth and is read from top to bottom.

But there’s a lot going on now, isn’t there?

Over the past few missives I’ve given you a lot to think about, so I’ve put together a little cheat sheet for you.

Have a look right now, it’s here.

