
If you’re a recruitment consultant, I have no idea why I’m so interesting to you all, but I can save you a lot of time: office life really isn’t my thing.

Email address:

You can reach me at:


0333 222 4363

Registered address:

Alastair Lee Ltd, Quay House, Quay Road, Newton Abbot, Devon, UK, TQ12 2BU.

Company Registration number: 06331805

VAT Registration Number: 880 0206 54.

Privacy policy

There’s a lot of talk nowadays about personal data, so let me share with you exactly what data I have.

If you’ve jumped on my newsletter, then obviously I have your email address. You can unsubscribe anytime by clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of any email.

Once you unsubscribe, that’s it, the system will never send to that address again, ever. You’re gone for good. Couldn’t reinstate you even if you begged.

If you buy anything on the site, your physical address may be recorded. But this would be a miracle because there’s nothing for sale.

What’s more, I don’t have any access to your credit card details in any way shape or form – because if I did sell anything, that would all be recorded by a secure payment processor.

Lastly, the mailing system I use is Infusionsoft. It’s a Godsend because it lets me know who doesn’t open my mails, so I can stop mailing them.

If you’d like your data to be removed, please mail me and I will see to it.

One more thing – your data is confidential, and will never be shared with another company. A laughable statement when you consider Facebook probably knows more about you than your partner.

That’s pretty much it. But feel free to ask if you have questions.

I’ll finish with this classic:

When visiting, your IP address will be logged along with the dates and times of access. This is purely to analyze trends, and gather broad demographic information.

Any recorded IP addresses are not linked to any personally identifiable information.

You gotta love GDPR.