I’ve been been writing sales letters since 2001 – it’s how Drayton Bird noticed me and took me under his wing.
For the next 18 years he gave me an education in copywriting money couldn’t buy.
It’s a great skill to have when you are firing letters off to CEOs.
But it’s the same with Google and Facebook ads (I run a lot of these for clients).
Copy really makes a difference with the ads, and the pages they point to – the landing page.
Frankly good copy can make the difference between profit or loss on a paid campaign.
Of course, the part that makes it interesting is nobody on this planet knows what copy will work best for your ads and landing pages. That’s why testing so important – running several variations of a page at the same time.
It’s the only way you’ll learn about what really works, because every business is different and every prospect is different.
If you’re not permanently running tests on your site and landing pages, frankly, you are leaving a lot of money on the table.
So here’s what I do
- Write sales letters to get you in front of your dream prospects.
- Or, you write your own sales letter, and I’ll stick my oar in and tell you what I think and why. It’ll save you a fortune.
- Squeeze the most from Google and Facebook ads.
- Improve results through testing.
I charge a fair price for doing any of the above because nobody ever hands me the easy stuff.
Got a really dull product or service?
Or a complex one?
Or an expensive one?
I can help. If you have all three, we really should talk.
And just so you don’t think I’m full of hot air, let me give you some examples.
You’ve seen how I can get you in front of your dream prospects from the examples on the site.
But what about running Google and Facebook ads?
There are lots of agencies who do this – so how am I different? I’ll tell you: I advertise.
It’s the first thing to ask any pay-per-click agency. It’s surprising how many of them don’t run campaigns for themselves – but they are happy to run yours. Frankly, I think that smells.
Call me old fashioned, but that just doesn’t sit well with me.
I practice what I preach – here’s a screen shot of my google ad account.
I’ve spent £157,818.17 of my own money, over the years. There’s only one way you can do that – by running profitable campaigns.
What’s more, a profitable campaign is solid insurance from your organic seatch engine ranking disappearing over night. Don’t think that doesn’t happen – it does.
And here’s a screen grab of just how quickly you can be starved of organic traffic:
If you rely on organic traffic, I don’t know how you sleep at night.
Lastly, let’s move on to testing.
Here’s a screen grab of one of my tests. You can see how the test page found nearly double the number of leads in this example.
Same ad. Some ad spend – but two very different landing pages. And two very different results: one vastly more profitable than the other.
Yet it still amazes me how few companies bother to test. Most dump it in the ‘too difficult box’. Crazy.
One last thing. Have this as a freebie. It’s about this page.
Do you know the ‘about me‘ or ‘meet the team‘ pages are always one of the most looked at pages on any business site?
So it pays to pays to spend time on them. And to prove a point, you’ll notice there isn’t that much about me on this page about me, but I’ve managed to crowbar a good few sales points in.
And seeing as you’ve read so far, you’ll take my point.