A great tip to get your sales letters noticed

This tip is so short it’s laughable.

But it really works.

Whenever you’re checking your mail, and a subject header makes you stop and read, keep it.

It doesn’t matter whether you opened the mail or clicked its links.

What counts is it arrested your attention.

So create your own swipe file – just create a new email folder of subject headers / mails that stopped you in your tracks.

They are a great source of inspiration when you are just staring at a blank page.

Here’s a collection of headers that made it into my swipe file:

“This made me blush like a schoolgirl”

“Have a I failed you?”

“Bit of a personal email to share with you…”

“Really? Still using those tactics to get clients?”

“Give yourself a payrise this month”

“Want to take the plunge but on the fence because of money?”

That’s it – that’s all for this post.

